Rafael Flores Cabrera

Programmer, Data Scientist, IT Specialist

More Information Below

Education and Experience

  • Data Science Bachelors 2016-2021 @ University of California, Berkeley
  • Cybersecurity Masters Candidate 2022-2025 @ Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Software Automation Engineer 2022-Present @ Intel Corporation
  • I.T. Specialist 2020-2022 @ United States Geological Survey


Automation using Python, Shell Scripts for OS file management or data processing, html automation using jinja2 templates, flask

GIS Portfolio

Here is a sample of some of my past GIS work, I have also done python scripting pertaining to map data management and map creation automation

A glass house designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe located in Plano, Illinois.

Data Services

Experience finding data, cleaning data, exploring data, visualizing data, management of sql and nosql databases, some experience securing data.

Cybersecurity Experience

Have done a few CTFs, learned how to exploit Log4J, API vulnerability testing, data clustering of malware using malheur, malware analysis, binary exploitation, disassembly analysis using x86, past experience with ARM and RISC-V assembly, familiar with injection using sql or javascript, knowledge of cloud security configurations and practices in AWS, past cryptography experience and math knowledge.
